Questions to Ask Interviewers: #1 List

By: | Updated: March 26, 2024

Here is our list of the best questions to ask interviewers.

Questions to ask interviewers are topics candidates ask about at the end of an interview. Examples include questions about company culture and the interviewer. The purpose of these questions is to help candidates understand the role and company better. Questions to ask interviewers are also known as “questions about work expectations” and “questions about the interview process.”

These questions are similar to icebreaker questions, following up after an interview, and interview questions to ask candidates.

This list includes:

  • questions about company culture and values
  • questions about work expectations
  • questions about team dynamics
  • questions about career growth
  • questions about current trends
  • questions about the company’s future
  • questions about company policies and procedures
  • questions about employee benefits and perks
  • questions about employee satisfaction
  • questions about company sustainability
  • questions about remote work
  • questions about the interviewer
  • questions about the interview process

Let’s get to it!

Questions about company culture and values

  • How would you describe the company culture here?
  • What values are most important to this organization?
  • How do teams show these values in daily work?
  • How does the company focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  • What does the company do to keep employees interested and happy at work?
  • How do leaders encourage a good atmosphere at work?
  • Can you talk about any big events or team activities that show what the company is like?
  • What does the company do to make sure everyone feels important and listened to?
  • How does the company encourage a strong work-life balance?
  • Can you give examples of how the company helps people innovate and be creative?
  • How does the company accept and use suggestions from workers?
  • Does the company have any corporate responsibility initiatives?
  • How does the company make sure it follows what it says about its values?
  • Can you tell me about any new plans or projects that show what the company is all about?
  • How does the company show appreciation to workers?

Questions about work expectations

  • What will I be doing every day in this job?
  • How do you measure success?
  • What are the main goals for this role?
  • Six months from now, how would you know I was the right fit for the role?
  • Can you explain what a typical day or week might look like?
  • What are the most important qualities and skills for this position?
  • How does the team usually handle deadlines and workload?
  • Can you tell me about the biggest challenges I might face in this job?
  • Will I be working mostly independently or as part of a team?
  • How does this job contribute to the company’s goals?
  • What tools or software will I need to use for this role?
  • Will there be training provided for tasks I’m not familiar with?
  • How often will I receive feedback on my work?
  • Can you give examples of successful projects or tasks completed by previous employees in this role?
  • Will I be expected to work on weekends or evenings?
  • What is the dress code or attire expected for this position?
  • Are there opportunities for growth or advancement within the company?
  • How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within the team?
  • Can you explain the reporting structure for this position and who I’ll be working closely with?

Questions about team dynamics

  • How does the team usually work together?
  • What’s the communication like within the team?
  • Can you tell me about the people I’ll be working with closely?
  • How does the team solve problems or challenges together?
  • Will I have opportunities to collaborate with other departments?
  • How do team members support each other?
  • Are there team meetings or check-ins? How often do they happen?
  • What’s the management style like within the team?
  • Can you give me an example of a recent team project or achievement?
  • How does the team celebrate successes or milestones?
  • How does the team share tasks and responsibilities?
  • What do team members usually do together outside of work?
  • How does the team handle disagreements?
  • Will I have a mentor or someone to ask questions to when I start?
  • How does the team support each other during busy times?
  • Are there team-building activities or events that happen regularly?
  • How do team members give and receive feedback from each other?
  • Can you share an example of a time when the team had to overcome a challenge together?

Questions about career growth

  • Are there opportunities for me to learn new skills or get training in this role?
  • How does the company support employees who want to grow in their careers?
  • Can you tell me about examples of employees who have advanced within the company?
  • What are the next steps for someone in this role to progress in their career?
  • Are there mentorship or coaching programs available for employees?
  • How does the company help employees set and achieve career goals?
  • Will there be opportunities for me to take on more responsibilities or leadership roles in the future?
  • Does the company offer tuition reimbursement or assistance for further education?
  • How often do performance reviews happen, and how do they support career growth?
  • How has the company invested in its employees’ careers?
  • Are there different paths for advancement within the company?
  • How does the company help employees build skills for future roles?
  • Can you tell me about any professional development programs or resources available?
  • Are there opportunities for me to work on projects outside of my usual responsibilities?
  • How does the company recognize and reward employees who show potential for growth?
  • Do employees have the chance to rotate through different departments or roles?
  • What support does the company offer for employees who want to pursue certifications or licenses?
  • How does the company encourage employees to stay engaged and motivated in their roles?

Questions about current trends

  • What are some of the latest trends shaping the industry?
  • How is the company adapting to these trends?
  • What are the specific challenges or opportunities these trends bring?
  • How are these trends impacting customers or clients?
  • What steps is the company taking to stay ahead in the industry?
  • Are there any new technologies or practices you are incorporating?
  • How do new trends affect the way you do business?
  • Are there any upcoming changes in regulations or standards to be aware of?
  • Does the company provide resources or training to help employees stay updated on trends?
  • What are some things happening in the industry that might affect how the company works?

Questions about the company’s future

  • What are the company’s goals for the next few years?
  • How does the company plan to grow or expand in the future?
  • Can you tell me about any upcoming projects or initiatives?
  • What role does this position play in achieving the company’s goals?
  • How does the company plan to stay competitive in the market?
  • Are there any changes or developments you expect to see in the company?
  • How does the company plan to adapt to changes in the industry?
  • Can you share the company’s vision for the future?
  • What are the biggest challenges the company might face in the future?
  • How can employees contribute to the company’s future goals?

Questions about company policies and procedures

  • What are the company’s rules for taking time off?
  • What is the dress code policy?
  • How does the company help new employees get used to its policies and procedures?
  • Are there any specific rules regarding breaks?
  • What steps does the company take to ensure a safe working environment?
  • What is the process for requesting and approving vacation time?
  • Are there any policies in place to support employee health and wellness?
  • How does the company handle issues like discrimination or harassment?

Questions about employee benefits and perks

  • Do employees get any extra days off besides regular holidays?
  • Can you explain what retirement benefits the company offers?
  • Are there any bonuses or rewards for good work?
  • Does the company provide any help for continuing education or learning new skills?
  • Are there any discounts or special deals available for employees?
  • What kind of support does the company offer for family needs?
  • Does the company provide any wellness programs or gym memberships?
  • How does the company support employees during challenging times?
  • Does the company offer healthcare or medical benefits?

Questions about employee satisfaction

  • How does the company support its employees’ happiness?
  • Are there any surveys or feedback systems to understand how employees feel?
  • Can you share any initiatives the company has to keep employees satisfied?
  • What do employees enjoy most about working at this company?
  • Are there any challenges that employees commonly face?
  • How does the company recognize and appreciate employees’ hard work?
  • Are there opportunities for employees to share their ideas for improvement?
  • Does the company offer any programs or activities to promote team bonding?
  • How does the company handle employee concerns or complaints?

Questions about company sustainability

  • How does the company protect the environment?
  • What steps does the company take to save energy?
  • Does the company recycle or reduce waste?
  • Can you tell me about any initiatives to use eco-friendly materials?
  • How does the company support local communities or charities?
  • Are there any programs to encourage employees to be more sustainable?
  • Does the company have goals for reducing its carbon footprint?
  • How does the company ensure ethical business practices?
  • Can you share any examples of how the company is working towards sustainability?
  • How does the company involve employees in sustainability efforts?

Questions about remote work

  • Does the company allow employees to work from home?
  • How does the company support employees who need flexible schedules?
  • Are there any tools or technologies in place to help remote workers stay connected?
  • Can you explain the process for requesting to work remotely?
  • How does the company ensure remote workers are still part of the team?
  • Are there any training or resources available for remote workers?
  • Can employees choose their own work hours?
  • Does the company provide any equipment or support for remote work?
  • How does the company measure productivity for remote employees?
  • Are there any specific guidelines or expectations for remote work?
  • How does the company handle communication between remote and in-office employees?
  • Can employees work from locations other than their home, like a coffee shop or coworking space?
  • How many days per week or month employees can work remotely?
  • How does the company address potential challenges or issues that may arise with remote work?
  • Are there opportunities for remote employees to attend company events or gatherings?
  • How does the company promote work-life balance for employees working remotely?

Questions about the interviewer

  • How long have you been working with the company?
  • What do you enjoy most about working here?
  • What has been your career path at the company?
  • Can you tell me about some of your own experiences working on projects similar to this role?
  • What attracted you to join this company?
  • How would you describe the company culture from your perspective?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting in this role?
  • What do you think sets this company apart from others in the industry?
  • How has your role or the company changed since you first started?
  • What opportunities for growth have you experienced here?
  • What do you think makes someone successful at this company?
  • Can you share a memorable experience or accomplishment you’ve had while working here?
  • How has your role evolved since you started working at the company?
  • Are there any challenges you’ve faced in your role that you didn’t expect?
  • How do you feel the company has supported your professional growth?
  • What do you find most rewarding about working here?
  • Have you had the chance to work on any projects that have had a big impact on the company?
  • What do you think sets the company apart as a great place to work?

Questions about the interview process

  • How many interview rounds can I expect?
  • Can you explain the timeline for the hiring process?
  • Are there any assessments or tests I need to complete as part of the interview process?
  • Who will I be interviewing with, and what are their roles?
  • Will there be opportunities to ask questions or clarify any doubts during the interview?
  • How long does the interview process typically take from start to finish?
  • What are the next steps after this interview?


Asking questions in an interview is important for candidates. This tip helps applicants learn about the company and shows that they are interested in the role. The questions provided in this article can help candidates make informed decisions about the job. By asking the right questions, candidates can understand if the company is a good fit for them. These questions can also show the interviewer that applicants have done their research. This process is all about having a productive conversation that benefits both the candidate and the company.

Next, check out our articles on check-in questions, get to know you questions, where do you stand questions, and either or questions.

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FAQ: Questions to ask interviewers

Here are answers to common questions about questions to ask interviewers.

What are questions to ask interviewers?

When you are in an interview, it is a good idea to ask questions to learn more about the job and the company. You could ask about what a typical day looks like on the job or what opportunities there are for learning and growing. It is also helpful to ask about the company culture and what it is like to work there. Asking questions shows that you are interested and helps you decide if the job is a good fit for you.

What are some good questions to ask interviewers?

You can choose from a wide range of questions to ask interviewers.

Here are some great questions that will help you stand out:

  • What are the next steps after this interview?
  • What do you enjoy most about working here?
  • How does the company support employees who need flexible schedules?
  • How does the company support employees who want to grow in their careers?
  • Can you tell me about the people I’ll be working with closely?
  • How do you measure success?

These questions will help you understand the company and role better.

How do you plan which questions to ask interviewers?

Deciding what questions to ask in an interview is important. First, consider what you want to know about the job and the company. Then, make a list of questions based on what you want to learn. It is also good to research the company beforehand to ask informed questions.

During the interview, listen carefully to the interviewer and ask follow-up questions based on what they say. Planning your questions ahead of time can help you get the information you need to decide if the job is right for you.

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CEO at
I write about my experience working with and leading remote teams since 2010.


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