Here is our list of the best office Minute to Win It games.
Office Minute to Win It Games are games and activities contestants must complete in under a minute. These fun events only require office supplies. For example, Office Tennis, Sticky Wall, or Scoop It. These activities aim to make team members more comfortable and improve quick-thinking and problem-solving abilities.
These challenges are in-person versions of virtual Minute to Win It games and examples of team building games, office games and office challenges. You can also use these exercises as part of Office Olympics.

This list includes:
- group Minute to Win It games for adults
- team building Minute to Win It games
- work-appropriate Minute to Win It games
- Minute to Win It games with no supplies
- Minute to Win It ideas
Let’s get started!
List of office Minute to Win It games
If you have never watched Minute to Win It, then you are missing out. This fun and entertaining show pits contestants against each other in simple yet hilarious games. Each event lasts one minute. Thankfully, it is easy to play these games in an office setting. You only need basic office supplies to play most of these challenges. Here is a list of office Minute to Win It games for you to try!
1. Cup Stack
One of the most popular Minute to Win It games is Cup Stack. In this game, you only need a pack of plastic cups. Be sure to get heavy-duty cups, as flimsy ones do not stack nicely. To play Cup Stack, a player must stack 36 cups into a tower in one minute. The cups must stand on their own and not fall. The player who completes this task in the least amount of time wins.
You can turn this challenge into one of the best team building Minute to Win It games by making players stack the cups in teams.
2. Pretty Windy
Pretty Windy is one of the best Minute to Win It games for adults. To play this game, you need balloons and plastic cups. The point of Pretty Windy is to blow plastic cups over only using air from an inflated balloon.
For set up, line up five to ten plastic cups on an empty table. Then, give each player one balloon. During the game, players have one minute to blow up the balloon and then release the air from the balloon to knock the cups off of the table. Team members can blow up the balloon as many times as needed.
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3. Penny Stack
Penny Stack is one of the most entertaining office Minute to Win It games. For this game, ask team members to collect all the extra pennies from their desks and car. To play, have a bowl full of pennies and an open desk. Participants have one minute to stack as many pennies as possible using only one hand. The team member who stacks the most pennies in the minute wins.
4. Scoop It
The premise of this game is simple: move ping pong balls from one bowl to another. The catch is that players have to use a plastic spoon to scoop the balls out of the bowl and balance them to the next bowl. For added fun, team members can hold the spoon with the handle in their mouth instead of their hands. Then, see how many ping pong balls players can move in one minute.
5. Proper Posture
If you have an open-concept office space with tables and chairs throughout an area, then Proper Posture is one of the best work-appropriate Minute to Win It games. For this activity, you will create an obstacle course with office furniture. Next, mark a starting and ending point. Then, contestants have one minute to make their way through the obstacle course. The catch is the participants have to do this task while balancing a book on their heads. If the book falls off, then the player must start over.
6. Backward ABC
Minute to Win It games with no supplies are harder to come by, but Backwards ABC is a fun one. In this activity, participants attempt to say the alphabet in reverse. Each player only has one minute to complete the task. Then, whoever can say the alphabet backward in the shortest amount of time wins.
7. I Can Hear the Bells
This Minute to Win It game tests the listening skills of team members. For supplies, you need five identical boxes. In the first box, place one bell. In the second box, place two bells. Continue until you have boxes with three, four, and five bells. Next, mix up the boxes, so players do not know which package has which number of bells. Then, contestants have one minute put the box in ascending order of the number of bells. Whichever player lines the boxes up correctly the fastest wins.
8. Clipper
Pinball inspired the game of Clipper. In this activity, you need a long, flat table, binder clips, and ping pong ball. To set up Clipper, use reams of paper to prop up one narrow end of the table. The game’s goal is for the ping pong ball to roll towards the binder clips on the other end.
You will need to set up several binder clips with the small end that opens towards the raised end of the table. These prongs will act as bumpers throughout the middle of the table. Then, on the lower end, place three or four binder clips with the two metal ends open towards the raised end of the table where the player will stand. To play, a team member will stand at the raised end of the table and release a ping pong ball with the intention of it ending up between metal clips of one of the last binder clips.
9. Flip it Back
In this event, team members will flip pencils in the air. To play this game, you only need a couple of boxes of unsharpened pencils. Then, the player will start with two pencils laid across the back of their hand. The participant will then flip the pencils in the air and attempt to catch both. Once the player has successfully caught two pencils, they will add a third pencil and repeat the process. Players continue adding and catching pencils for the whole minute, seeing who can catch the most.
10. Office Tennis
One of the greatest team building Minute to Win It games is Office Tennis. In this activity, two team members work together to get a crumbled-up piece of paper to the trash can. The key is that the teammates have to use clipboards as tennis rackets while they are moving.
All you need for this game is two clipboards, paper, a trash can, and open space. To do the challenge, give each participant a clipboard and one crumbled-up piece of paper. Then, place a trash can at one end of the open space and put a strip of tape on the floor on the other end of the room. The farther apart the tape and trash can are, the harder the game will be. Together, the players must start at the tape line and hit the paper back and forth using their clipboards as they move toward the trash can. If the team can get the paper in the can in under a minute, then they win.
11. Blow it Away
This game does require some planning ahead of time as one of the supplies is mini marshmallows. Besides that, you only need sheets of paper and tape. To play this game, give each player one sheet of paper. Then, on one end of a table, place a pile of mini marshmallows. On the other end of the table, tape off a circle.
When the timer starts, the player has one minute to roll up the piece of paper to make a straw. Then, participants must blow air through their makeshift straws to move marshmallows across the table into the circle on the other end. The player who gets the most marshmallows into the ring wins.
12. Office Maximus
In this event, contestants try to knock over reams of paper. To play, line up five to ten reams of paper on the edge of a desk. Next, mark a line with tape about 20 to 30 feet away. Using only a rubber band ball, participants have one minute to knock over all the paper reams. This game gets more challenging when using more paper reams and tiny rubber band balls.
13. Speed Eraser
This challenge is similar to the drinking game of quarters, but instead of quarters, you bounce pencils, and there is no drinking beer. This game is one of the best Minute to Win It games for adults. In this game, you need a bunch of pencils and small cups. It is best to use unsharpened pencils and six or seven heavy but small glass cups. The player has one minute to bounce pencils off the eraser end into the cups, one per cup. Starting with a large number of pencils makes the game easier.
14. Chopped Cereal
For this game, you only need two bowls, some cereal, and chopsticks. To set up, place two bowls on an empty table. In one bowl, pour some cereal. The other bowl should be empty. The first player needs a pair of chopsticks. Then, set the timer for one minute and see how many pieces of cereal the contestant can move from the first bowl to the empty one. Continue until all team members have had a chance to try.
15. Master of Bubbles
This office Minute to Win It game takes a little more work to set up, but the results are endlessly entertaining. For supplies, you need bubble concentrate, bubble wands, a hula hoop, and a way to hang the hoop in the air.
To play Master of Bubbles, first hang the hula hoop from the ceiling in an open area. You will want quite of bit of space around it. On the other end of the room, put a strip of tape on the floor as a starting point. Then, give players some bubble solution and a bubble wand. A team member must blow the bubble on one end of the room, then use their breath to blow the bubble through the hula hoop. The game will get infinitely more difficult the farther apart the starting point and the hula hoop are. Be sure to buy high-quality bubble solution, as well.
16. Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster is a fun yet delicious office Minute to Win It game. To play this game, you only need a bag of Oreos. Though any solid, round cookie will do, we recommend steering clear of chewy or soft cookies. In this game, a player will place a cookie on their forehead. Then, team members will have one minute to get the cookie to their mouths using only the motion of their heads. In this game, players can not use their hands. If the cookie falls off, then the player needs to restart the race. Participants can shake, shimmy, and hop to get the cookie to their mouths. Whichever team member gets the cookie first wins.
17. Cup Toppers
If you are looking for work-appropriate Minute to Win It games, then consider Cup Toppers. This game only needs a cup, like a tumbler or coffee mug, and old compact discs. To play this game, set a pile of CDs on one end of a table and the cup on the other end. The farther apart these items are, the harder the game will be. Then, contestants have one minute to see how many CDs they can toss and land flat on top of the cup on the other end. Whoever gets the most CDs stacked wins.
18. Sticky Table
Sticky Table is an entertaining game that requires few supplies and little setup. For this game, you need double-sided tape and a bag of marbles. Before the game, cover part of an empty table in double-sided tape. This is best done on the last two to three inches on a narrow end of the table. Contestants stand on the other end and roll marbles across the table. The player who sticks the most marbles to the sticky tape wins.
19. Sticky Wall
You can test the accuracy and throwing arm of team members with Sticky Wall. In this game, you need double-sided tape and a bag of pom-poms. To set up, put sticky tape on a blank wall. Be sure to test the area to ensure the tape will not remove paint. You can also put the tape on a whiteboard or door. Then, put a strip of tape about ten feet away. Players throw pom-poms for one minute to stick as many as possible to the double-sided tape. Whoever gets the most pom poms stuck wins.
20. Candy Toss
One of the best and tastiest team building Minute to Win It games is Candy Toss. To play this game, team members are in pairs. One player has a plastic cup, while the other has a bowl of miniature candy, like M&Ms or Skittles. Before the game, place two pieces of tape on the ground eight to ten feet apart. One player is on each line. In one minute, teams see how many pieces of candy one player can toss to the cup held by the other player. Whichever team collects the most candy wins! Though all team members get to enjoy the candy at the end.
Group Minute to Win It games are fantastic ways to build camaraderie among team members at the office. During these activities, team members practice essential workplace skills. For example, problem-solving skills, communication, and teamwork. You can utilize these games during meetings as ice breakers or plan sessions specifically for Minute to Win It.
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