28 Best Marketing Newsletters to Read

By: | Updated: March 18, 2024

You’ve found our list of the best marketing newsletters.

Marketing newsletters are free emails that contain helpful information for companies looking to promote their products or services. Examples of marketing newsletters include SmartBrief, Growth Hacks Weekly, and Think With Google. The purpose of these newsletters is to provide ideas and techniques that can help businesses make their marketing stronger and more effective.

You can use marketing newsletters to plan marketing games and sales meetings for your workers. These publications are also helpful when choosing which marketing conferences to attend.

This list includes:

  • free marketing newsletters
  • social media marketing newsletters
  • email marketing newsletters
  • digital marketing newsletters
  • marketing tech newsletters

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List of marketing newsletters

From the SEO updates of The Moz Top 10 to the illustrated chronicle of Sketchalytics, here are some ideas for informative marketing newsletters you can subscribe to.

1. Zero to Marketing

Marketer Andrea Bosoni uses case studies to explain how to improve marketing techniques using real websites as his subjects. Bosoni chooses a different website monthly and creates case studies with his best takes on growing the business. These breakdowns explain each company’s purpose and what their branding methods get right and wrong. Bosoni’s suggestions for strengthening presentation and messaging give useful insight readers can apply to their own sites.

Learn more about Zero to Marketing.

2. SmartBrief

Rather than offering just one marketing newsletter, SmartBrief publishes an array of newsletters covering various aspects of the marketing industry. Separate publications curate articles from across the Internet, focusing on financial marketing, data and analytics, and technology. Readers can tailor their SmartBrief subscriptions to include the information that interests them most. Each newsletter keeps its own schedule, ranging from daily to weekly, so subscribers receive new issues while the information is still fresh.

Learn more about SmartBrief.

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3. The Daily Carnage

The Daily Carnage is a quick read from digital branding company Carney. Each newsletter includes a wrap-up of weekly articles, important questions from other subscribers, and interest pieces related to advertising and marketing. The clipped format makes for easy reading, with links leading to deeper content for readers needing more detail.

Learn more about The Daily Carnage.

4. Backlinko

Backlinko delivers the latest SEO tips from marketing strategist Brian Dean. With appearances on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc., Dean is a proven authority in the digital marketing realm. His informative takes on maximizing searches reach more than 173,000 subscribers each week. Readers seeking digital marketing newsletters can learn tips and tricks to improve their search rankings and keep up to date as new trends arise.

Learn more about Backlinko.

5. Growth Hacks Weekly

Forbes names Growth Hacks Weekly a top marketing newsletter. Entrepreneur “Marketing Max” Bidna offers his best advice for advancing your business, part of his efforts to provide top-tier resources for marketers. The author shares in-depth coverage of his best techniques as well as notable marketing news stories from the prior week. As a bonus, subscribers receive Bidna’s five best growth hacks immediately upon signing up.

Learn more about Growth Hacks Weekly.

6. Think With Google

With Google’s name on the header, you know you have a powerful marketing newsletter headed for your inbox. This trusted search company offers insights into branding, marketing tools, and emerging strategies to keep marketers on top of the latest developments. Diverse subjects like search trends and tips for helping businesses grow during economic downturns share space in each issue, providing a range of information for readers to learn from.

Learn more about Think With Google.

7. The Menu

The Menu is the brainchild of Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing for an audience research tool called SparkToro. Her free marketing newsletters cover business promotion from a more grassroots angle, providing firsthand accounts of her ideas and experiences peppered with links to helpful information. Every issue includes an article, four marketing tidbits from other sources, and a favorite recipe for a quirky and helpful read.

Learn more about The Menu.

8. Search Engine Land

If SEO is your main marketing method, then Search Engine Land has information you can use. A team of informed contributors offers their best takes on recent business developments and marketing news in every issue. Their bulletins highlight best practices and new changes in the ever-evolving world of search dynamics. Subscribers can sign up to receive marketing tech newsletters daily to keep their marketing tools sharp.

Learn more about Search Engine Land.

9. Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner helps digital marketers make sense of the social media marketing scene. This newsletter helps readers understand the power of using visual imagery for promotions through social media outlets. In addition to receiving a newsletter read by more than 400,000 marketers, subscribers instantly receive a 39-page industry report exploring methods used by over 2,800 social media promoters.

Learn more about Social Media Examiner.

10. the CLIKK

A newsletter for marketers with a snarky sense of humor, writers for the CLIKK take a laid-back approach to exploring the ins and outs of digital marketing. This daily publication includes analyses of marketing content to explain what works, what fails, and how to fix the problems. Readers can learn how to identify their target audience, make email promotions more successful, and expand their brands.

Learn more about the Clikk.

11. Convince & Convert

With an audience of 90,000 readers, Convince & Convert keeps savvy marketers informed about making the most of their digital marketing efforts. This marketing consulting company sends a twice-monthly newsletter covering advances in analytics, social media marketing strategies, and ways to improve customer experience. With a click, readers can sign up for a review of the most recent developments in the marketing space, all in a single email.

Learn more about Convince & Convert.

12. Sketchalytics

Doodles that illustrate marketing concepts make a fantastic change from the usual wordy newsletter format. Content marketing company Ceralytics offers Sketchalytics, concise visual explanations of key ideas in the world of marketing and promotion. These charming drawings help readers better understand the impact of proper marketing on their businesses. The art is top-notch, and the highlighted descriptions and definitions are important for marketers searching for a clearer path to marketing success.

Learn more about Sketchalytics.

13. Really Good Emails

You can learn what makes a marketing email campaign effective by joining the subscriber list at Really Good Emails. This company offers email creation services to businesses in need, a testament to their marketing skills. Really Good Emails’ weekly email marketing newsletters share expert advice and essential information intended to help readers improve the results of their own email marketing promotions.

Learn more about Really Good Emails.

14. The Moz Top 10

SEO maximizer Moz provides helpful marketing information for marketers looking to enhance their search engine optimization. Moz is one of the most reputable SEO companies on the web, working to make this sometimes confusing tool easier to understand. With every issue of The Moz Top 10, subscribers receive the ten best articles regarding digital marketing, curated by the Moz team. This free semimonthly publication makes it easy for marketers to stay informed on search industry advances.

Learn more about The Moz Top 10.

15. Copyblogger

Mastering the art of persuasive copy is Copyblogger’s marketing newsletter’s mission. Digital marketing depends in part on well-written content. No matter what format a company’s promotion takes, Copyblogger reminds readers that the effective use of words is key. Their newsletter aims to show marketers how to improve their writing and add power to their promotional toolbox. Subscribers receive an instant download of The Killer and the Poet, the company’s guide to the future of copy marketing, as well as the most helpful articles in the Copyblogger collection.

Learn more about Copyblogger.

16. Geekout

Geekout’s informative emails are must-haves for companies searching for social media marketing newsletters. With a focus on using social media platforms to their fullest potential, Geekout’s publication features insightful breakdowns of how sites like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook work best. Readers can peruse a collection of the most recent write-ups from each week, choosing from sections that include quick recaps and more in-depth coverage. An archive of older articles on the Geekout website lets new subscribers catch up on previous newsletter issues.

Learn more about Geekout.

17. tl;dr Marketing

As the name suggests, tl;dr Marketing keeps their newsletter brief and to the point. Digital marketing news in curated summary form makes it easy for curious marketers to stay in step with recent developments. In addition to offering an all-inclusive newsletter, tl;dr Marketing also offers more focused journals that zero in on SEO, paid media marketing, social media happenings, and promotional tips and tricks. Subscribers can choose the most relevant topics for their needs while minimizing reading time and eliminating inbox clutter.

Learn more about tl;dr Marketing.

18. The Ad Spot

The Ad Spot gathers the best ads of the week and sends them your way. This fun newsletter tracks trending advertisements worldwide, packaging them without marketing news or spam-style ads. Marketers receive a weekly collection of exciting and creative copy from a modern advertising company that knows effective marketing. The result is a wealth of inspiration and a window into what works best in the world of advertising.

Learn more about The Ad Spot.

19. Marketing Dive

Marketing Dive’s newsletter keeps track of advertising from top-name brands to give subscribers a closer look at how successful marketing works. Articles explore marketing from a social as well as a business standpoint, providing a valuable understanding of consumer influence on marketing trends. Data and analytical trends are also popular topics, a helpful feature for keeping marketers aware of pressing industry developments.

Learn more about Marketing Dive.

20. AdWeek

Powerhouse publication AdWeek assembles their most crucial information in a newsletter format to keep you updated. Subscribers can choose from a daily send that offers news on the most crucial marketing topics or periodic alerts on special subjects. The sign-up form shows samples of each to make choosing easier. The clean and concise format for both newsletters makes keeping in touch with the most recent marketing information an easy task.

Learn more about AdWeek.

21. Marketer’s Playbook

Marketer’s Playbook serves up detailed articles covering marketing strategy, advertising practices, and breakdowns of tools and tricks to level up your marketing game. The straightforward writing in this independently published newsletter gets to the heart of matters critical to successful business promotion. Articles tagged by category make it simple for readers to seek out the most meaningful content for their needs. Readers who find important viewpoints not included in the newsletter can submit their own choice of articles for potential publication.

Learn more about Marketer’s Playbook.

22. Unbounce

Marketing nerds with an eye on improving their websites will find a tremendous resource in the newsletter from Unbounce. This digital marketing outlet offers guidance for creating captivating website landing pages that convert views into business. Subscribing to the Unbounce blog in newsletter form allows readers to receive their choice of a daily or weekly capture featuring articles that lean into online marketing. Whether your website could use an upgrade or you hope to increase exposure, Unbounce fills your inbox with useful information to help you achieve your goals.

Learn more about Unbounce.

23. Total Annarchy by Ann Handley

You can get punchy lists, articles, and thought pieces about effective marketing strategies from expert Ann Handley. Handley is an authority on digital marketing who runs a marketing education company called MarketingProfs. Her newsletter is an honest-to-goodness letter, written by Handley herself and sent every Sunday. These winsome dispatches include personal insight and helpful tips, written in a friendly and engaging voice that puts readers at ease. Handley’s ground-level approach brings the author’s more complex marketing concepts into focus.

Learn more about Total Annarchy by Ann Handley.

24. Please Advise!

Florida branding company Top Hat offers a trim newsletter called Please Advise! This award-winning firm condenses their content into a simple three-point missive sent daily. Each issue includes a marketing tip, an example of visual branding, and recommendations for useful software and apps. By removing the excess and leaving in the best bits, Top Hat reinvents the concept of a newsletter and turns it into a love note to marketing you can read in one sitting.

Learn more about Please Advise!

25. Whale Mail

Triple Whale’s Whale Mail newsletter focuses on direct-to-consumer marketing practices, emphasizing e-commerce via Shopify storefronts. Marketers can learn creative ways to present their content and manage campaigns for the biggest return on their promotional investments. Readers can study detailed how-to write-ups about marketing improvement and stay informed about the latest tools to make promotional work easier. With a subscriber list of 10,000 and growing, Forbes ranks Whale Mail  among their top ten marketing newsletters.

Learn more about Whale Mail.

26. GrowthMarketer

GrowthMarketer founder Nicolas Scalice curates the most important marketing developments and presents them in a weekly newsletter. Scalice keeps his emails free of filler, focusing on quality content from across the web instead. Subscribers get articles, product reviews, and interviews that broaden their knowledge and expand their business. With an emphasis on growth marketing, this informative roundup is a quality option to help marketers of all levels.

Learn more about GrowthMarketer.

27. Marketing Brew

If Morning Brew is the go-to newsletter for business nerds, then their fellow publication Marketing Brew is the must-read newsletter for marketing nerds. This journal-style mailer features discussions with marketing figures, explores important events, and predicts promotional trends for a balanced mix of topics and formats. Intelligent content delivered in a clever voice will satisfy readers hungry for a daily helping of marketing news.

Learn more about Marketing Brew.

28. Harry’s Newsletter

With a subscriber count of over 130,000 and an undeniable spirit of fun, Harry’s Newsletter from Marketing Examples is a comical spin through the world of digital marketing. This weekly report presents six useful tips every Monday morning. Harry uses humor and real-world events to explain marketing dynamics and how they work best. Visuals and videos accompany every write-up, using web content that entertains while teaching valuable lessons about successful promotions and what it takes to make them happen.

Learn more about Harry’s Newsletter.


Marketing newsletters are crucial for marketing managers and business owners trying to keep their approach to marketing fresh and effective. Subscribing to newsletters that deliver information via email reduces time spent researching the latest methods. With a steady stream of information arriving daily or weekly, companies can be ready to make quick strategic shifts and capitalize on the most significant developments in the marketing business.

For related topics, read about marketing podcasts, content marketing books and digital marketing books.

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FAQ: Marketing newsletters

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about marketing newsletters.

What are marketing newsletters?

Marketing newsletters are informative emails that bring business and marketing topics directly to your inbox. Offered by marketing companies and businesses with helpful information to share, most marketing newsletters are free, though they sometimes serve as a lead-in to the company’s paid services.

What are the best marketing newsletters?

The best marketing newsletters include Geekout, a social media marketing newsletter, Sketchalytics, a visual breakdown of critical marketing concepts, and Copyblogger, a guide to creating more powerful marketing copy.

Why should you subscribe to marketing newsletters?

You should subscribe to marketing newsletters to stay updated on current trends, which helps you improve your marketing abilities to boost your company’s health. These newsletters are free tools designed to inform you of the latest tools and techniques in an industry that changes at a rapid pace. Having the information come to you makes tracking developments and discovering new marketing methods easier.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at teambuilding.com. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.


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