You discovered our list of the best personality tests.
Personality tests are assessments that reveal motivations, psychological preferences, character, temperament, and beliefs. Examples of these tests include Myers-Briggs, Emotional Intelligence Test, and Sociotype. Individuals use these tests to gain a better sense of self-awareness or take them just for fun. Employers use these questionnaires at work to balance teams, optimize management approaches, and for team building. This format is also known as “personality quizzes.”
These tests can help improve company culture and may be part of employee benefits.

This article contains:
- fun personality tests
- quick personality tests
- short personality tests
- workplace personality tests
- free personality tests
- printable personality tests
- team building personality tests
- work personality assessments
Let’s get to it!
List of personality tests
From emotional intelligence quizzes to political diagrams, here are the best personality tests to encourage self-awareness and growth in the workplace.
1. Myers-Briggs (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, also called the 16 personalities test, is one of the most widely used free personality tests.
The assessment classifies takers using four categories:
- Introversion or extraversion
- Sensing or intuition
- Thinking or feeling
- Judging or perceiving
Test results consist of a four-letter acronym that determines which trait prevails in each category. There are 16 possible combinations, with analyses and explanations of the drivers, habits, perspectives, and strengths and weaknesses of each.
Companies use Myers-Briggs tests to determine which candidates fit company cultures and which employees collaborate most effectively together.
Many sites offer variations of MBTI, but 16 Personalities is the most popular.
Take the test for 16 Personalities.
2. DiSC
The DiSC test is another widely used assessment tool, especially in the workplace. Though DiSC often functions as a career test, many folks use it to gauge personality in informal environments too. The test breaks down personality into four main quadrants, which are dominance, influence, conscientiousness, and steadiness. DiSC quizzes present situations about social situations and ask respondents to rate whether or not the statement is accurate. Answers reveal truths about the test taker’s interpersonal style, which can help to improve relationships and teamwork.
Take a DiSC assessment.
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3. Test Color
If you prefer quick personality tests over lengthy questionnaires, then Test Color is a perfect choice. The short quiz consists of only two questions: select the colors beginning with those you prefer, and choose the colors starting with those you like least. The results reveal the extent of personality facets, such as introversion and extroversion, organizational ability, and emotional intelligence. Each answer contains a personality profile with a pie chart breakdown of various qualities like creativity, intellectualism, and decision-making ability.
Take Test Color.
4. MyPersonality Test
This over 100 question personality test asks quiz takers to pick a response on a five-point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
The results gauge users on five personality factors:
- Emotional balance or reactivity
- Introversion or extroversion
- Conventional or open
- Guarded or agreeable
- Spontaneity or discipline
Based on the percentage breakdowns of these traits, the quiz assigns a personality type and provides a brief overview of disposition and motivations.
Take MyPersonality Test.
5. Emotional Intelligence Test
This Emotional Intelligence Quiz is a short test that evaluates users’ EQ levels, or the ability to identify and react to one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. The test consists of 40 questions with two available responses.
Once quiz takers input answers, the test scores takers based on four quadrants, assigning a numerical value to each:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Management
- Social-Awareness
- Relationship Management
The results page gives a short description of each category, along with a link to a more in-depth explanation of the covered concepts.
Take Emotional Intelligence Test.
6. Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Quiz
The minds at The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, devised this test. Respondents view 20 photographs and choose from four possible emotions in this emotional intelligence quiz. A right answer follows each question, complete with an in-depth explanation and a key to which body language indicators reveal the truth. The quiz keeps a running score of correct responses, and at the end, participants receive a final score with recommendations for improvement.
Take Berkeley Emotional Intelligence Quiz.
7. Character Strengths Survey
The character strengths survey asks users to select answers from a five-point scale ranging from “very much like me” to “very much unlike me.” There are around 100 questions in total. Sample statements include, “I am always coming up with new ways to do things,” “I have many interests,” and “I always treat people fairly whether I like them or not.” At the end of the survey, users receive a score ranking character strengths such as kindness, humor, honesty, judgment, humility, and teamwork. The free online personality test breaks down results into signature strengths, middle strengths, and lesser strengths, providing a clear snapshot of a user’s virtues and areas of improvement.
Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey.
8. Big 5 Personality Test
The Big 5 Personality Test is another survey that asks participants to rate the accuracy of statements on a scale of “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” The test consists of 60 statements, such as, “I am someone who stays optimistic after experiencing a setback” or “I am someone who is curious about many different things.” The site also provides fields for demographic information at the end.
Results rate test takers on a spectrum of:
- Close-minded or open to new experiences
- Disorganized or conscientious
- Introverted or extroverted
- Disagreeable or agreeable
- Calm and relaxed or nervous or high strung
The survey assigns a percentile score for each personality type and briefly outlines the significance of high or low scores for each category.
Take the Big 5 Personality Test.
The HEXACO test measures six major personality dimensions:
- Honesty and humility
- Emotionality
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Openness to experience
This 100-question quiz provides prompts such as, “I make decisions based on the feeling of the moment rather than on careful thought,” and “I feel like crying when I see other people crying.” Then, the site asks respondents to reply on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. This format is a good personality test for team building because it covers a wide range of topics, skills, and aptitudes.
The test breaks the result categories into sub-traits, like fearfulness, greed-avoidance, social self-esteem, and aesthetic appreciation. Then, the test assigns a percentile score for each trait based on the results of other test takers. The test aims to give insight into basic personality dispositions and advises using answers as a guide rather than a prophecy.
For those seeking further clarification, the site provides additional information on the meaning of so-called domain level and facet level scales.
Take the HEXACO test.
10. Enneagram
An enneagram is a personality model that explains an individual’s relation to nine different basic personality types:
- Reformer or Perfectionist
- Helper or Giver
- Achiever or Performer
- Individualist or Romantic
- Investigator or Observer
- Loyalist or Loyal Skeptic
- Enthusiast or Epicure
- Challenger or Protector
- Peacemaker or Mediator
An enneagram test measures how much an individual matches with each persona. Though there are several variations of the enneagram, a standard quiz presents statement prompts and asks respondents to rate the degree to which they agree. The results return a numerical value for each personality type. Test takers will also receive a diagram of a circle containing triangles, which represents how the personas react within the psyche.
Take an Enneagram test.
11. John’s Personality Test
This personality test is a spin on the traditional MBTI or Jungian models. The test mathematically breaks down the likelihood of respondents receiving five different personality type results, giving a percentage statistic for the probability of each. One interesting aspect of this test is that it shows what other personality types are likely for an individual instead of labeling the quiz taker with only one answer. Thus, users can extrapolate similarities and differences between other personality types.
Take John’s Personality Test.
12. The Political Compass
The Political Compass presents propositions and asks users to react to each stance with strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. The quiz covers topics such as economics, religion, nationalism, and the criminal justice system. The results pinpoint test takers on a double axis between left and right ideologies, or libertarianism and authoritarianism. For reference, The Political Compass plots points of famous world leaders. This quiz is useful for explaining or confirming respondents’ political inclinations and beliefs.
Take The Political Compass.
13. Sociotype
Sociotypes are similar to MBTI types but share more in common with the direct work of Carl Jung than the Myers-Brigg tests.
The theory of socionics analyzes and predicts personal relationships based on the following psychic functions:
- carefree or farsighted
- obstinate or compliant
- static or dynamic
- aristocratic or democratic
- tactical or strategic
- constructivist or emotivist
- positivist or negativist
- reasonable or resolute
- subjectivist or objectivist
- process or result
- questioner or declarer
This quiz asks test takers to slide a scale between two opposing statements. Results return a three-letter acronym that categorizes the individual within a specific personality profile, sometimes combining those three letters with the MBTI acronyms.
Take the sociotype test.
14. A Walk in the Woods
A Walk in the Woods is an interpersonal communication, relations, and compatibility quiz that uses guided imagery to reveal truths about the test taker’s relationship styles. The quiz poses eight prompts relating to an imaginary walk and asks respondents to record answers to all questions before moving on to the analysis. For instance, “There’s a house in the middle of the clearing. How big is the house? Is there a fence?” The results disclose facets of the user’s emotional availability, such as openness, intimacy, ambition, and strength of the current relationship.
Take the Walk in the Woods analysis.
15. Philosophical Tensions
This quiz presents 30 philosophical statements like, “There are no objective moral standards; moral judgements are merely an expression of the values of particular cultures,” and “It is quite reasonable to believe in the existence of a thing without even the possibility of evidence for its existence.” Then, the site asks respondents to either agree or disagree. Next, the results analyze philosophical tensions and contradictions in beliefs. This rest helps point out lapses in logic and competing thoughts, informing the test taker of possible hypocrisy or complex belief systems.
Take the Philosophical Tensions test.
16. Compass points
When taking this compass point test, you use pen and paper to answer questions and tally scores rather than receiving automatic results. The compass point quiz presents pairs of words and asks test takers to select whether A or B applies more accurately. The majority answer determines whether the individual is north or south, east or west facing. Each point on the compass corresponds to a thinking and leadership style, helping individuals determine their roles within a team.
Take a compass point quiz.
17. Emotional Personality Type Test
This quiz uses 18 questions and a scale ranging from “not at all true” to “very true” to gauge how respondents feel and deal with emotion. Results reveal levels of boundaries, assigning a score and a designation of thick, thin, or medium boundaries, with an explanation of each. These scores describe reactionary styles that reveal how folks react. This process can help test takers better understand, process, and cope with pain or struggle.
Psych Central also offers other free personality quizzes, such as a self-esteem test and extraversion-introversion. It is important to note that these tests should not replace regular diagnostic tools for psychological disorders.
Take the Emotional Personality Type Test.
18. The IPIP-NEO
The IPIP-NEO, or International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R, consists of two quiz options. Users can take a 30- to 40-minute test or a 10- to 20-minute version that evaluates individuals based on the big five personality traits. These traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The test results return a narrative report that scores users on the five categories, along with subcategories such as assertiveness, cooperation, and orderliness. The results page explains the significance of the scores and the definition of each category and subcategory.
Take The IPIP-NEO.
19. The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)
The Eysenck Personality Inventory plots personality on a continuum between introversion or extroversion and stability or neuroticism. Interestingly enough, the evaluation includes a “lie score” that measures how socially compliant a responder aims to be in the answers. This quiz consists of 57 yes-or-no questions, with each question corresponding to the introversion-extroversion, stability-neuroticism, or lie factors. Results outline a brief description of the significance of each category, along with a percentile score.
Take The Eysenck Personality Inventory.
20. Rorschach Inkblot Test
The Rorschach Test is a famous evaluation that asks participants to respond to inkblot images by associating the forms with other objects. Survey takers describe what they see when shown a picture, and the proctor selects the statement that most closely matches the interpretation. Though the test mostly famously detects potential mental irregularities, it reveals psychological insights such as spontaneity and impulse control, open-mindedness, and independence. This online Rorschach consists of ten questions with multiple possible answers, leading toward a succinct personality analysis.
Take an online Rorschach Inkblot Test.
21. The High 5 Test
The High 5 Test is a strength assessment that identifies an individual’s top five traits. The quiz presents 100 prompts describing certain behaviors and asks respondents to rate the extent to which the statement applies from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Examples include, “Others say that I have an aura of certainty and confidence,” and “I believe the best way to achieve success is by focusing on one thing.” The results reveal the five most dominant traits with a short explanation for each. You can share the findings with others and compare results too.
Take The High 5 Test.
Personality test questions
Here are common questions you are likely to see on personality tests. Typically, these tests present an answering system that asks respondents to gauge how accurate the statement seems or how much they agree or disagree on a scale of one to five.
- I have a vivid imagination.
- I get angry easily.
- I enjoy crowds.
- I often daydream.
- I worry about the future.
- I am always busy.
- I prefer variety to routine.
- I trust others.
- I use others to get what I want.
- I dislike being the center of attention.
- I like to have a plan.
- I solve problems with logic and reason.
- I try to follow the rules.
- I like order.
- I get irritated easily.
- I fear failure.
- I like meeting new people.
- I care about other people’s feelings.
- I like to tidy up.
- I always keep promises.
- I work hard.
- I have trouble making decisions.
Personality quizzes may have many questions or just a few. Some tests may lack words entirely and ask respondents to select pictures instead. Or, the quizzes may have test takers respond to different circumstances. Any of these approaches can work well at work for team building.
List of personality tests for team building
Knowing your personality type can facilitate better workplace interactions. Through these tests, you can learn how you and others function best and how you are inclined to react in stressful situations. Armed with this knowledge, you can approach situations thoughtfully. Thus, check out the following list to find personality tests that encourage team building.
1. The 5-Minute Personality Test
If you do not have the time for some of the lengthier personality tests, then check out The 5-Minute Personality Test. This printable PDF lists four related traits, and participants rank them from most to least accurate. For example, the first question asks respondents if they like authority, are enthusiastic, have sensitive feelings, or like instructions. Participants put a four next to the trait that describes them best, then three for the next best, and down to one for the least. Once you finish filling out the form, total the number in each column. The test designates you as a lion, otter, golden retriever, or beaver. Respondents can learn about their strengths, weaknesses, disposition, motivation, and other personality traits. For a quick icebreaker activity, check out this test.
Learn more about The 5-Minute Personality Test.
2. Color Code
The Color Code personality test identifies the motivation behind your actions, leading to more thoughtful behavior. The free version of this quiz identifies your main color trait, and you can unlock your whole color wheel for a fee. The questions center around your behavior as a child, asking you to choose from word and situation clusters. For example, the first grouping asks respondents whether they were proactive, nurturing, objective, or insightful as children. Once you complete each section, the test will group you into reds, blues, whites, or yellows. You can learn more about each color and how they interact on the website.
Learn more about Color Code.
3. Belbin’s Team Roles
Developed by Dr. Meredith Belbin, Belbin’s Team Roles groups respondents into nine workplace styles.
The categories are:
- Resource Investigator
- Teamworker
- Co-ordinator
- Plant
- Monitor Evaluator
- Specialist
- Shaper
- Implementer
- Completer Finisher
These categories aim to help workers understand their strengths in order to complete tasks and solve workplace strife most effectively. The test takes about 20 minutes to complete, and you can buy it in bulk for your whole team.
Learn more about Belbin’s Team Roles.
4. Keirsey
Keirsey categorizes workers into four main temperament types, which are artisan, guardian, idealist, and rational. The assessment is most effective when completed in one sitting. Participants must choose between two answers to simple questions. For example, the test asks, “In stories, do you prefer fantasy and heroism or action and adventure?”
In the end, respondents will learn their temperament’s keywords, how many others have the same personality type, and their core characteristics. The temperaments are further divided into subgroups, letting participants dive deep into their personality traits.
Keirsey is a popular choice among large enterprises, serving over 70% of Fortune 500 companies. Businesses can also hire Keirsey to facilitate workshops, offer coaching, and provide certifications.
Learn more about Keirsey.
5. CliftonStrengths
Gallup, an organizational consulting firm, offers this personality test. CliftonStrenths analyzes four personality domains and 34 themes, making it one of the most detailed personality assessments. These categories aim to uncover participants’ unique characteristics and encourage them to maximize their potential. The website offers detailed descriptions of each typing, including informative videos. Additionally, you will find tips on how to apply your theme to succeed as workers and leaders.
Learn more about CliftonStrengths.
6. The Caliper Profile
In addition to building existing teams, personality tests can help grow new ones. Aimed at hiring managers, The Caliper Profile simplifies understanding your team at any stage. The test analyzes 22 unique traits and incorporates social norms from several countries. Managers can use these results to guide selection, development, promotion, team building, and succession planning. Caliper’s model compares test results against validated job models to see how well the candidate fits the bill. Business leaders will see a candidate’s overall fit in addition to their competencies. To take your hiring to the next level, consider employing this personality test.
Learn more about The Caliper Profile.
7. TraitLab
TraitLab offers personality assessments to uncover team members’ strengths. Test takers can answer simple, standardized questions at their own pace. For example, respondents will rate the accuracy of statements like, “I am afraid to draw attention to myself.” The website then offers staff deep personality insights, strengths, and individual working styles.
Users instantly have access to their profile results on personality traits, personality type, and over 100 descriptive personality words. Test takers can also learn about their strengths, career matches, and interests. TraitLab designed this test with teams in mind, as managers can purchase one invite code and share it with their whole team. TraitLab also has several suggestions for implementing this test into your next team building activity, including top strengths sharing, team word cloud, and interests alignment. For a detailed breakdown of your team’s strengths, be sure to check out TraitLab.
Learn more about TraitLab.
8. Holland Code Career Test
If you are leading team building activities for a group of students or interns, then you may want to check out the Holland Code Career Test. This test uses the Holland Code model to match people with career suggestions based on their interests. First, users will indicate their interest in completing a series of tasks, such as repairing a dishwasher or keeping financial records. Then, the site will offer you a detailed career breakdown.
Respondents will see their interest in six areas, which are building, thinking, creating, helping, persuading, and organizing. Next, the analysis shows your primary interest area and which job tasks, core values, and key personality traits fit with that interest. Finally, the site suggests some careers you may be interested in and lists a brief job description and the average earnings. You can get more detailed information on each job title as well. If your group members are just starting their careers or are interested in a switch, then this might be the test for you.
Learn more about the Holland Code Career Test.
9. WorkStyle
WorkStyle creates profiles for each team member to help them collaborate more effectively. The site analyzes users on eight different personality tests, including Big 5 and DISC. Users will also have access to working style preferences and self-descriptor scales. WorkStyle is an excellent team building tool, as it already has built-in icebreaker questions. Once the whole team completes the tests, you can view team analytics to see how members may interact and how to improve workplace structures. The site even outlines how to best work with each respondent, making this a great option for team leaders.
Learn more about WorkStyle.
10. The MBA Inventory
Developed by the creator of the five love languages quiz, the MBA Inventory analyzes users’ five languages of appreciation in the workplace. Test takers will discover how they feel most appreciated at work, including words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, tangible gifts, and physical touch. You can even find specialized versions of the test based on your industry, such as medical or trades. Discovering your team’s appreciation languages aids in workplace communication and positive reinforcement, which are essential team building soft skills.
Leaders interested in a more detailed breakdown of these concepts can check out the accompanying book, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman and Paul White. Overall, the authors aim to make workplace appreciation easy to implement to improve working relationships and environments.
Learn more about The MBA Inventory.
Final Thoughts
Personality tests are not the end-all, be-all when it comes to defining character. In general, the results work best as guidelines rather than firm rulings.
Still, these personal quizzes can reveal important information, inspire self-reflection and self-analysis, and establish common ground between strangers or teams at work. Though there are many different kinds of personality tests and various approaches, ultimately, all personality tests set out to answer the same central question: who am I?
Next, check out this list of free career tests and this one on team building quizzes.