You found our list of fun get to know you games.
Get to know you games are activities that help members of groups quickly learn more about each other. For example, you can play twenty questions, would you rather, show and tell, and this or that. The purpose of these games is to make it easier to share personal information and form relationships with someone. These activities are also known as “getting acquainted games.”
These exercises are a subset of team building games and icebreaker games, and are similar to connection games, 5 minute team builders, and community building activities.

This article includes:
- getting to know you games for adults
- games to get to know each other
- get to know you activities
- get to know each other games
- get to know you games for large groups
Here we go!
List of get to know you games
From Figure It Out to team trivia to truth or dare, here is a list of activities and games to help employees get to know each other faster.
1. Meet Me Bingo
Meet Me Bingo is one of the better introduction games for large groups. To play this game, give each participant a Bingo board. Then, split the crowd into smaller groups and encourage interaction. Players will mark squares with the names of other players who fit the descriptions. The first player to get five in a row wins. Or, you can challenge teams to get the most number of lines, an X, a diamond, or play blackout Bingo and fill the whole square.
We made a template for your game.
For similar games, check out online team building Bingo and this free icebreaker Bingo card generator.
2. Would You Rather
Would You Rather is a behavioral psychology game that asks players to choose between two courses of actions. Often, the situations described are silly, gross, awkward, or uncomfortable. The answers can reveal players’ logic and belief systems.
Here are some example prompts:
- Would you rather have a runny nose or a persistent cough?
- Would you rather spill coffee on your desk or your clothes?
- Would you rather get famous taking credit for someone else’s work, or have someone else get famous for taking credit for your work?
- Would you rather live in a sitcom universe or in a romantic comedy?
- Would you rather be hated for who you are or loved for who you are not?
- Would you rather accidentally ruin a child’s birthday party or accidentally ruin a wedding?
- Would you rather have unlimited money or your dream job?
- Would you rather have perfect parents or the perfect partner?
- Would you rather get a paper cut every day or stub your toe every day?
Check out this collection of Would You Rather questions.
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3. This or That
This or That asks players to pick between two similar choices. The answers reveal participants’ preferences and can show similarities between players. Because the game goes quickly, you can easily ask a few This or That questions on the fly if you find yourself with extra time at the end of meetings or during breaks.
Here are some examples:
- Coke or Pepsi?
- Day or night?
- Text or phone call?
- Cats or dogs?
- Plane trips or road trips?
- Brunch or dinner?
- Coffee or cocktails?
- Movies or television?
- Mall shopping or online shopping?
- Writing or speaking?
- Big parties or small gatherings?
- Concerts or sporting events?
- Ocean or lake?
- Vacation or staycation?
- Car or motorcycle?
- Hammock or lawn chair?
- Ice cream or cake?
Check out this collection of This or That questions.
4. Top Five
Top Five is a game that asks players to list the top five personal favorites in each category. To play this game, participants make best-of lists and share those answers with the group.
Here are some example categories:
- Movies
- TV Shows
- Bands or Singers
- Songs or Albums
- Books
- Travel destinations
- Desserts
- Dinners
- Breakfast foods
- Websites
- Celebrities
- Apps
- Animals
- Brands
You can make the categories more specific, for example, “top five workout songs,” or “top five movies I would never watch with my mother.” The game can happen in real time, with a leader announcing the categories one at a time, and players taking a few moments to make the lists. Or, you can send out the categories before the call or meeting, and ask attendees to prepare lists ahead of time. You can also have teammates submit the lists on remote work platforms like Basecamp, Slack, or Trello.
You can also swap the game for “Bottom Five,” where each player lists the least favorite five options in each category.
5. Figure It Out
Figure It Out was a kids’ game show in the 90’s where a panel of judges would have to guess a guest’s unusual talent or impressive achievement.
To Play Figure It Out:
- Pick a player as the contestant
- The contestant chooses a secret, and draws a number of blanks to signal the number of words in the secret
- The panel asks yes or no questions
- If a panel member guesses a word that appears in the secret phrase, the player writes the word in the blank
- At any time, panel members can guess the secret. However, panel members must try to guess the secret at the end of a specified number of rounds.
Here are more virtual game show ideas.
6. Spill It or Eat It
Spill It or Eat It is similar to James Corden’s “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts.” The game consists of a series of personal questions. Players can either answer the question or eat a gross food, a messy food, a spicy food, or a large quantity of food. For example, the consequence for dodging a question might be swallowing a spoon full of hot sauce or stuffing five crackers in your mouth. Players take turns asking each other questions back and forth. The best time to play Spill It or Eat It tends to be at lunch time or during an afternoon break.
7. Confess and Guess
Confess and Guess is one of the easiest getting to know you games for small groups. Each round, participants write down the answer to a prompt on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl. Then, a host reads out each reply, and players must guess which player wrote the answer.
Here are some example prompts:
- Your greatest fear
- Your animal form
- You in a past life
- Your go-to comfort meal
- Your favorite activity in high school
- Your guilty pleasure
- Your best friend
- What you wanted to be when you grew up
- An item on your bucket list
- Your childhood crush
- Your personal hero
- Your favorite song
- Your pet peeve
- Your favorite outfit
- Your least favorite food
- Something you are allergic to
This game is also playable online. Simply have players privately message answers to the leader during a video call, or have participants fill out a form before the game. Then, share the responses, and challenge players to guess which teammate gave which answer.
8. If I Were…
If I Were is a game that encourages players to imagine themselves in different situations. To play the game, read out the prompts and give each participant a turn to respond.
Here are example prompts:
- If I were a flower, I’d be…
- If I were a country, I’d be…
- If I were a song, I’d be…
- If I were a celebrity, I’d be…
- If I were a food, I’d be…
- If I were a book, I’d be…
- If I were a painting, I’d be…
- If I were a brand, I’d be…
- If I were a cocktail, I’d be…
- If I were a Pokemon, I’d be…
- If I were a four-letter word, I’d be…
- If I were a type of dance, I’d be…
- If I were a wild animal, I’d be…
- If I were a mythical beast, I’d be…
For best results, give players a chance to explain the reasoning behind the reply.
9. Team Trivia
Most trivia games revolve around static subjects like pop culture, math, or literature. However, you can also create a personalized trivia game that uses tidbits about teammates as prompts.
To design your game, first gather data by asking employees to fill out a survey. Then, make a multiple-choice style quiz in Kahoot. Players enter the game room pin and answer questions on mobile devices, and the app automatically keeps score.
Here are some example questions you may ask:
- Which teammate backpacked across Asia?
- Which teammate was born on Christmas?
- Which teammate owns an iguana?
- Which teammate’s favorite food is lemon olive oil cake?
- Which teammate once appeared in a Bruce Springsteen video?
- Which teammate built their own canoe?
- Which teammate memorized pi to 100 digits?
- Which teammate used to be in the National Guard?
Check out these virtual team trivia tips.
10. All Alike
All Alike is a game that encourages players to find common ground. To start the game, first split the group into teams of 3 to 6. Next, send teams into breakout rooms or different areas of the physical meeting room. The groups have five minutes to find a trait that all team members share. For example, “we all studied abroad,” “we all hate cilantro,” or “we all have grandmothers named Barbara.” Upon reconvening, the team members share that “all alike” characteristic. You could also turn the exercise into a guessing game where other teams must try to predict which quality the team members share.
11. Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever gets players to fess up to questionable behavior. Each player starts the game by holding up ten fingers. Participants take turns making “Never Have I Ever…” statements, and players must lower one finger if guilty of the behavior. The game ends when only one player still has fingers up or after a certain number of rounds.
Here are some safe for work Never Have I Ever prompts:
- Learned how to ride a bike
- Been to Australia
- Been skydiving
- Bought ice cream from an ice cream truck
- Met a celebrity
- Been on TV
- Been horseback riding
- Won a contest
- Had more than 2 siblings
- Swam in the ocean
- Read an entire book in one day
- Been Black Friday shopping
- Beaten a video game
- Been a member of a wedding party
- Bought a piece of clothing that cost more than $100
- Driven a sports car
- Owned a trampoline
Check out more online drinking games to play on Zoom.
12. Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare is one of the most classic getting to know you games. Each round, players must choose to answer a personal question or perform a dare.
Here are some example truths:
- Have you ever missed a deadline?
- What is one lie you told your parents?
- Have you ever worn a risque Halloween costume?
- What was the last junk food you ate?
- What is the grossest thing your pet does?
Here are some example dares:
- Show us the last picture you took on your phone
- Make a dolphin noise
- Recite a movie dialogue
- Impersonate one of your coworkers
- Swallow a spoonful of lemon juice
You can also use this truth or dare generator to come up with safe for work challenges.
13. Group Mosaic or Quilt
Group art projects are a visual get to know you activity that caters to teammates who are not natural talkers. The first step to this exercise is to provide participants with materials and a workspace. You can use different mediums such as paper, paint, magazines, glass, or computer graphics. Next, give your artists guidelines, for example, “create a crest,” or “draw your dream.” Then, give teammates a set amount of time to make their masterpieces.
When teammates complete and submit the projects, arrange the squares into a collage. Then, display the finished product in a shared space such as a common room or a Google Drive. You can also give teammates the chance to present the project and explain the piece’s significance to the group.
For more team building art activities, check out this list of online art classes.
14. Show and Tell
Show and Tell is one of the simplest get to know you activities. Every participant shows an item to the group and explains the importance of the object. Often, presenters tell stories relating to the item. Organizers can assign themes to the activity, for example, childhood toys, vacations, learning, first love, or hobbies. The exercise serves as a way to learn what matters and is meaningful to team members.
15. I Am A…
I Am A…is an identity game that helps players find common bonds. Each player takes a turn making an “I Am A” statement, for instance “I am a mother” or “I am an ametuer magician.” Other players who also identify with the statement will move towards the speaker to show solidarity. If the group is in-person, then players will start the game spread out and will move towards speakers. In Zoom rooms, players can shut off the camera when they do not relate to a declaration.
16. Twenty Questions
Twenty Questions is one of the most straightforward get to know you games. Each participant takes a turn as an interviewee, and other players can ask up to twenty personal questions. Participants cannot skip questions unless other players are generous and allow players one opportunity to pass.
You can use a random question generator to more quickly come up with questions for the game.
Final thoughts
Getting to know each other can be a daunting task, however games can make the process of connecting with someone much simpler. Get to know you games help to break the ice and form foundations that enable participants to build closer relationships.
Next, check out this list of problem solving games, this list of fun icebreaker questions for adults and these indoor team building games.
We also have a list of conversation starters for work, list of the best games for work meetings, list of fun group activities to try, and list of fun team building ideas for small groups.